Cheatsheet for Cluster

This is a place where I keep all the commands I use while using the cluster facility at IMSc.

Initial setup

ssh username@clustername #in my case, clustername is nandadevi
cd /path/to/directory #in my case it is /lustre/myusername; mind the first slash before the lustre

Commands absolute necessary


sinfo # to know the details of the cluster

qstat -u username #To get the details of running programs
qstat -u username |grep -i "nandasq" # To get the details of programs of a specific user on a specific cluster
qstat -u username |grep -i "nandasq" | wc -l # to count the number of programs on a specific cluster
qstat -u username |grep -i "nandasq" | awk '{sum+=$7} END {print sum}' # To sum the number of cpus used on a specific cluster
Note: Max allowed cpu no. to be used is 96.

Commands frequently used

scancel jobid # To cancel a job

Other useful commands